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New Jersey Association of School Psychologists

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  • NJ Certification



School Psychologist Standard

Requires a master's degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university and a minimum of 60-semester hour graduate credits with specific course distributions, 300 practicum hours, and externship of 1200 clock hours (a minimum 600 of which must be completed in a school setting with school-age children, the remaining 600 hours may be completed in a school or clinical setting or may be completed under an emergency certificate while concurrently participating in an approved school psychology program). Supervisors of externs in school settings must hold a standard New Jersey or out-of-state school psychologist certificate; OR possess NCSP.


Persons who completed a master's or higher degree in clinical psychology from a regionally accredited college or university and can present official documentation of 600 clock hours of experience as a psychologist working with children in a clinical setting may meet the school psychology externship and practicum requirements by completing a 900 clock hour school psychology externship in a New Jersey school, with school age children, under a New Jersey emergency certificate.

National Certified School Psychologist

The NJ Department of Education will issue a standard New Jersey school psychologist certificate to holders of a currently valid Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) license.  Interested in becoming a Nationally Certified School Psychologist? Check out the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) website for http://www.nasponline.org/certification/index.aspx


Complete details on how to become a certified School Psychologist in New Jersey can be found http://www.state.nj.us/education/educators/license/endorsements/3100S.pdf

You can find further information on School Psychology programs in New Jersey


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