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New Jersey Association of School Psychologists

Graduate & Undergraduate Students  Organization(GUSTO)

Welcome to GUSTO’s new page! 

GUSTO is the Graduate and Undergraduate Student Organization affiliated with the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists. 

Our goal is to develop, promote, and maintain relationships with graduate and undergraduate students.

Calling all student members of NJASP!

Please join us in GUSTO!

We are reaching out to students in school psychology programs across the state in order to include representation from all training programs. We are planning both educational and fun activities! Please check out our new Facebook page.  We hope to hear from you!

Committee Chair: Eli Freund

Committee Co Chair: Jared Murgio, Mackenzie Holroyd

GUSTO and committee members will actively develop, promote, and maintain relations with undergraduate and graduate students.

GUSTO will facilitate and report back to NJASP on the following activities:

Fall: Disseminate and discuss information about school psychology awareness week and encourage program-based activities;      
Spring: Facilitate an advocacy activity

Throughout the initiatives this year, GUSTO plans to encourage the organization of a northern, central, and southern delegate to continue with fall and spring activities in the field of school psychology each year.

Encourage non-members to join NJASP as a student-affiliate and actively recruit GUSTO committee members.

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